Tuesday 28 July 2015



In the Lord’s Prayer, Christians are taught to pray;    “Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Lk 11:2)

From the prayer instruction of Jesus, we are to pray for God’s kingdom to manifest; that is the rule of God to operate in our midst. Once that is realized, it implies that what is obtainable in heaven should be in reality here with us right now.

The pursuit of the reality of heaven on earth had almost been abandoned by the church today. Only a few individual believers are taking this serious in their Christian devotion because they have realized that the earthly pursuits 
had become completely obsolete compared to the heavenly glory!   

The problem lies in the inability of many to discover the way heaven looks like. Without the serious commitment to the Holy Spirit’s infilling and orientation, heavenly visions and revelations are blurred!

And once there is vague idea of heaven, the earthly views must dominate or rule over every aspect of people’s lives even if they were church members.

But how can we make heaven a reality on earth according to the prayer command of our Lord Jesus Christ? This is an assignment meant for all believers to resolve. Waiting for your response!  

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