Tuesday 23 May 2017


“The duty and difficulty of self-denial: To row against the tide of one’s inclinations, to stem the rapid current of one’s appetites and affections, to struggle against the violent motions of our will, and to wrestle with the opposition of our contending faculties; this is an employment that is laborious and uneasy, this is a performance that we pay dearly for; and the reward of such a warfare will certainly be proportionable to the hardships and difficulties with which we have 

The Prophetic Message for Afizere People 
Ps 22:22 – “I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee.” Every serious minded, Spirit-filled and obedient servant of God must always be concerned for his own people, tribe, community and nation. In the place of prayer, the Lord ministered to me a weighty heart over my people; the Afizere of Jos East Local Government Area in Plateau State, Nigeria.

An appointed time has come for God to do a new thing among my people. God had remembered His people even though they had been rejected and despised for so long. They had also regarded themselves unworthy and inferior for so long. They had lacked inner capacity to rise above fear and intimidation. They had resorted to self-accusation and given in to both internal and external torments and punishment. Many had ruled them out from being normal people…

My people, Harken to the prophecy of Isaiah 52. This is the word of God for the Izere Nation. Read it and ask God for deep insight into His revealed message for you as an Izere person! Follow the fulfillment of the word with prayerful keenness!
God had raised a prophet among you who is setting the pace in the realm of the spirit; from the God of heaven above. You shall listen to what he has to tell you. Your journey into divine destiny has reached the point of propagation; announce it at roof tops!

The Afizere will soon be given a pattern of rulership which is strictly godly; no longer subject to the standards of the heathen; a kingship that is completely devoid of the Hausa/Fulani influence; a leadership institution and style that will defy all the modern day political methods of selection. You shall have a leader who will draw all his people to God supernaturally. 

All thorns and thistles around you shall be totally burnt to ashes; and all the chaff in your midst shall be completely swept away.  Anything away from this divine arrangement will be rejected by the people. The Lord has spoken. Hallelujah!!!


  1. All glory, honour and majesty to you Lord! Uphold your servants who are labouring in the place of prayer,self denial bleo them all in Jesus name.

  2. I mean that the Almighty God bless you all that are prepared to run with this vision in Jesus name.
    Ishaku sunday Izang.
