Friday 23 October 2015


When Peter was jailed; God sent His Angel to set him free from Herod’s threat to his life; the church was praying for him (Acts 12:5-8). Why should the church’s approach against attacks and threats be different today?

Also, Paul and Silas were thrown into prison for their rigorous evangelistic zeal. But they did not use any human approach to defend themselves; they simply used the midnight hour in praising God and there was instant heavenly intervention (Acts 16:23-26). What is wrong with our Christianity of today?

What about Dorcas; having done so well in helping people; suddenly died. Instead of looking for a pastor to bury her; they believed the Lord of the resurrection and life; and called for Peter who came and raised her back to life. (Acts 9:36-42). Are the churches we run today deprived of God’s power to do same?

Oh Lord God Almighty; have mercy on us and restore the Book of Acts faith to the Church today in Jesus’ Name...    

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