Monday 5 October 2015


Prayer is the most intimidating threat against the activities of satan. The devil minds a little about other activities of the Christians in the church; but the most disturbing against his kingdom is PRAYER!

You can be a very famous music minister in the church; it does not bother satan much. You can be an eloquent speaker or teacher in the church; it worries the devil less. As long as prayer is never aggressively employed in what you do in the church; the devil is comfortable in your premises!

Prayer is the most attacked and harassed of all ministries in the church. The praying or kneeling Christian is the greatest threat to the devil. Your plan to commit your life into prayer; will always face the most troubled challenges in the process!

We hereby encourage our friends to learn the art of ceaseless intercession; the more your pray, the greater the overcoming anointing against satan over your life, family, business, ministry, career, studies, marriage etc in Jesus’ Name…

The Boiling Point Gospel Centre welcomes you to book for some time to pray; the closets here are opened for you 24/7. We can pray for you to get you out of the problems you may be facing; but you must make time in no time to learn to be a prayer warrior personally in Jesus’ Name…   

We are located at Bauchi Ring Road, Uphill Opp. Jevicho Filling Station, Jos, Nigeria. We are on; and; email:; or

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