Tuesday 13 October 2015


Just like God Himself is eternal; so also our pursuit of Him in holiness, righteousness, and power by His Spirit in Christ Jesus will keep rising.

Spiritual growth should be endless; we keep growing on a daily basis. That requires keeping to the demands we place upon our faith to please God in persisting intercessory routines.

The more we pray in keeping with these requirements, the more great wisdom and knowledge from above increase. When our spirit existence continues to develop; then our inner intuition becomes very sensitive and accessible to God’s voice and doing His perfect will.

The moment you can acknowledge God‘s voice by His enabling Spirit; your entire lifetime will continue to proceed towards His direction; you will continue in the assurances of His kind of success in life.     

The dependant journey in God makes one a differently unique being beyond the ordinary. Because it is God you must please daily; people may consider you absurd and odd. This should never bother you as long as you are sure God is happy with you! 

Strictly godly and focused people are questioned in their determination, speech and actions; because they discern Spiritually; others hardly figure out where they are heading to.

Until you find those who will agree with true Spiritual orientation; be prepared to bear the hatred and insults of religious people.

“But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one” 1Cor 2:15

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