Wednesday 28 October 2015


Do unto others what you want to have them do to you. Do want blessings? Bless them. Do you want joy? Make them happy. Do you want to be filled and satisfied? Feed the hungry.

Do you want to make headway in life? Show others the way out in their lives. Do want to be cared for? Care for others. Do you want to be healthy? Heal the sick. Do want a house of your own? Shelter the homeless.

You need promotion; help someone to his next level. You want to be loved; do not hate anyone. You do not want to be cheated and betrayed; sacrifice your best to others. You want to look good; clothe the nude or naked.

You want to get to your destination on time; give someone a lift or transport them. You want patronage; then patronize. You want the truth; do not tell a lie. Do you want to have your own? Be faithful in what is not yours.    

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