Friday 2 October 2015


All who collaborate with the archenemy of God (satan) will sooner or later become monuments of shame, reproach and disgrace. Keep your distance from satan’s deceptions and  be free from shame in Jesus’ Name…

The devil had been busy advertising his fake powers by many different strategies. He uses the beer and other intoxicants to initiate people into his rebellious kingdom.  I command you to stop the intake of all intoxicants and be loosed from the chains of disgrace in Jesus’ Name…

The content of the bottle in front of you may still taste the beer or any intoxicant you have been taking; but it is really blood from the kingdom of darkness to keep you in alcoholic bondage. Be loosed from satan’s captivity and be free from remaining a laughing stock in Jesus’ Name…  

The devil uses fabrics and designs to initiate many into his immoral and unholy dark kingdom. Be delivered from the desire of new fashions and indecent dressing and free from disgrace in Jesus’ Name…

The computer technology seems to have been stolen by satan. He uses the internet to initiate people through pornography, masturbation, sexual perversion, idleness, fraud and all kinds of evil via the air waves. Be set free from the evil influences of all manner of technological advancements in Jesus’ Name…  

Jesus said, “…for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me.” Jn 14:30.

Receive this assurance that Jesus had already “…disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.” Col 2:15.

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