Wednesday 21 October 2015


We have always chorused this doxology; “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love God and ‘sweet’ communion of the Holy Spirit be with us now and forever more. Amen!”

But little do we attach any serious importance to it. It has turned into a religious recitation. There is a deeper and supernatural meaning to this short prayer. Jesus Christ Himself is the grace we talk about here.

When Paul the Apostle was pierced by a thorn in his flesh; he sought the Lord’s intervention about it; but the Lord told him that His grace was sufficient to him. That sufficient grace was Christ Himself.

The Lord Jesus Christ is our gracious sufficiency; as we constantly commit our lives to Him; everything about Him becomes our super abundance.

Not even in times of tribulations shall this grace (Christ Jesus) fail us. No matter what the circumstances; this grace’s sufficiency always stands on our behalf in His Mighty Name...      

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