Thursday 15 October 2015


Christianity that fails to emulate the ministry of Christ is an empty religion. No Christian is ignorant of the mission of the Christ; He healed the sick, casted out demons, raised the dead and blessed the needy.

Are you practicing the ministry of Christ Jesus or just doing what your denomination is teaching? The Christ’s ministry alone makes impact; while religious ministry practices what the world teaches and goes without transforming situations of people’s lives!

I glanced at the Pope’s message to the Catholics on their Missionary Sunday this year. It was a passionate call for all the faithful to engage in mission work. I have asked more than three Catholics whether they are prepared to comply to the Pope’s agitation for missions.

Amazingly, some had not heard the message; and others laughed at the issue asking whether the Pope will provide the money for the missionary endeavors. Well, that is religion without a second look at the ministry of the Christ.

Many ministries and church denominations teach, disciple and inspire their congregants to join their missionary programs. But some are waiting for the church authorities to sponsor them into the fields.

Christ Jesus our only example to follow never stopped moving in the ministry. He was either praying or reaching out to many; teaching, healing the sick, cast out demons, opening blind eyes and deaf ears hearing, dump mouths released etc.

Oh Lord, help us to rely on you as we become committed to your call and not to depend on others to send us in Jesus Name...      

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