Friday 9 October 2015


Desperation is the devil’s bait to catch people and take them captives into sinfulness. Desperation for marriage can result into a wrong and disappointing relationship.

Desperation for fame and recognition can result in falling into the trap of wrong mentors and deceitful partners. Great potentials can be misled and deterred from personal God’s given initiatives!

Desperation to obtain a university certificate can result into exam malpractice and getting qualified through the back door. This is no more genuine achievement and so blunders will occur on assigned duty!

Desperation to make money and to live a flamboyant lifestyle can result into an enrichment obtained by fetish and demonic methods. This can also cut short one’s lifespan!  

Desperation to look more beautiful can result into excessive modeling and cosmetic artificiality. This can also end up into the severe damage of the naturalness of one’s being and goodness.

A desperate approach to a legitimate ambition can make one flaw procedures and therefore achieve goals illegitimately! And such successes do not last nor endure the test of time.  

Oh Lord, deliver us from the temptation of being desperate instead of trusting You for comfort and contentment in Jesus’ Name…   

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