Saturday 3 October 2015


Whether you have discovered or known it or not; your dream had been settled. God had given every one a dream for some greatness. Receive great grace to discover and keep your dream steady in Jesus’ Name….

We were all made or created in His image and after His likeness. But the devil had been fighting God’s wonderful plan in many lives. Be free from satan’s chains of dreams’ shatter in Jesus’ Name…

Joseph was nicknamed ‘the dreamer’ by his own brothers (Gen 37:19). He was misunderstood by mortal men; but the God that gave him the dream kept and sustained it to its perfect accomplishment. Fulfill your dream to the glory of God in Jesus’ Name….

If you were not certain about God’s dealings about your dream to keep it steady; you may lose it because of the interferences and influences of people and circumstances around you. Be loosed from the grip of demonic influences against your dream in Jesus’ Name…

I have vowed to keep going to please God with my mustard seed faith; my dream will be kept steadily; no amount of name callings, insults, campaigns of calumny, isolation and rejections shall make me change my focus in Jesus’ Name…

If people decided to run away from you because you insist on telling and maintaining the cause of your dream; just know that they are meant to be the beneficiaries of the vision God gave you; so never give up on or be resentful, hateful and bitter against them. Forgive and love all in Jesus’ Name…

Those who loved you and even those that hated you might have lost hope about your where about and everyone seems to have forgotten about you; but since your faith lies firm upon God’s promises; you will sooner or later emerge as a great blessing to all in Jesus’ Name….

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