Saturday 24 October 2015


Just some days back a request was posted for friends to pray along with me while I took some days in the Lord’s glorious presence; standing in the gap and crying for mercy so He can use us the best.

I am not posting this to boast; the grace of our Lord Jesus permits it for the encouragement of friends and the brethren. May this stir  up your Christian desire for God’s service in Jesus’ Name...  

I return thanks to God for seeing me through; this morning I returned home with much joy within my spirit for His sufficient Grace. I am trusting God that your faith will be kept intact for the amazing outcomes of our commitment together in Jesus’ Name...

We shall continue in the relentless prayer labors together. Prayer is never a periodic or seasonal commitment but should continue as a serious daily affair. May the Lord grant you the Grace for this consistency in our lives in Jesus’ Name...

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