Tuesday 27 October 2015


Yesterday night was real battle against the demonic influences in our Old Lamingo Rd, Nabor neighborhood. Friends, you must always be at alert; time for slumbering and sleeping is not now. Thank the Lord for the Holy Ghost and fire; I kept leashing out brimstone to all directions of the attacks of the enemy; victory will always be sure in Jesus’ Name!

The enemy is using so many wicked strategies to outwit the prayers of believers nowadays than he had ever done! How can we afford to sleep when the devil is snatching our loved ones by witchcraft and wizardry?

How can we be in comfort when satan is busy stealing our young ones by chaining them into drugs, alcohol, prostitution, fraud and other misconducts? Friends, we must step into a very serious and meticulous warfare day and night; praying and fasting for our liberty in Jesus’ Name...      

Spiritual warfare requires adequate planning; overworking yourselves is the devil’s handwork to mess up your prayer concentration; when you are so tired by the labors of the day, nothing can be accomplished much in the night. The enemy uses the night majorly to attack our meditations, thoughts, dreams and visions.

 The Lord’s rescue mission is our greatest guarantee if only we can be firm in our faith. God gives assurance by His Word; which is the Sword of the Spirit; a flaming fire, God is a consuming fire... Let’s apply the supernatural strategies of our Father to counteract the foolishness of the enemy against our lives and loved ones in Jesus’ name....

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