Saturday 10 October 2015


The enemy’s constant intention about every one of us is for absolute annihilation of our entire existence. Good News, Jesus came that we may have life in abundance and eternally! Jn 10:10

Every behavior of misconducts persisting in the lives of millions all over the world today is stirred up by the agents of darkness; it is the consistent pursuit for stealing, killing, and destruction.

God is very mindful of every move of satan to hinder people from coming into enduring and eternal peace, comfort and joy. Our Lord Jesus had accomplished the rescue mission for our total salvation.

Amazingly, today to the shame and disgrace of the devil; many whom he had caged for his wicked vices are being freed also all over the world. The vilest sinners of various categories are not only liberated but many are preaching the gospel of Jesus they once opposed and persecuted! 

So why worry when the women who were once passionate of nudity or nakedness are giving up the trade and seeking decency in righteous clothing?

Many who had been used by the devil to offend others by various means of deception, enticement, inducement and temptations are noticing their drastic irrelevance.

Civilization is gradually taking us back into the dark ages; where our ancestors used to walk naked without being ashamed. What you may consider an attraction, is speedily becoming filthy remorse.

My friends, I prophesy to your destiny; get more and more fed up with that filthy and unprofitable lifestyle and be restored to God’s kingdom business in Jesus’ Name…      

“Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more,” Rom 5:20

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