Monday 26 October 2015


 A language GROUP in ZAMBIA on a Translation session

Glory to God for the frantic efforts put in place by many Bible Translation Projects world over. Today we have the whole Bible, New Testament or portions of the Scriptures in thousands of language groups and/or dialects.

To God’s Glory and by His Special Grace; I was an indigenous pioneer of the Izere Language Committee from the late ‘70s to early 80s. I was enthusiastic about the project and did not worry much about the challenges that went with it then; but little did I know that the little beginnings would metamorphose into giant strides in the future! Thank You Jesus!

And today, we are blessed with the Izere New Testament, the Jesus Film based on the Gospel of Luke and the audio New Testament. I believe the entire Afizere community owes a duty to celebrate the wonderful hands that were on deck until all these successes were materialized.

No amount of money can compensate for this work; because it is God’s assignment. I pray to God Almighty that all who had in one way or another participated in the Izere Language Project in one way or another shall be remembered and rewarded by God alone in Jesus’ Name...

The greatest challenge before every language committee now is the application of what had been acquired. What good is a soldier with a weapon and fails to use it at the enemy’s threat? Let God enable the Projects workers to advance this aspect; the use of the materials for the salvation of souls in the community in Jesus’ Name...

There is yet another crucial concern that remains; some language groups in Plateau State, Nigeria have not released their audio materials to ‘Faith Comes by Hearing’ for our public use. Time is not on our side; I pray that the groups concerned will do so in good time in Jesus’ Name...

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