Tuesday 27 October 2015


I forbid that any of my friends die in sin; you shall not die an unbeliever; you shall never end this life as a drug or alcohol addict; you shall never live the rest of your life as a prostitute; you will change from a fraudster to a pastor; your hot temperament and pride shall be turned into calmness and humility; IN JESUS’ NAME...

Your pursuit of shadows will become a clear focus of God’s plan for your life; the spirits of lust, immorality, evil sexual and carnal motivations are declared out of you; the demons of laziness, idleness and murmuring are commanded out of your life IN JESUS’ NAME...

Confess this prayer along with me; “The Lord had made me a life coal; an embodiment of fire; I spit fire; the environment around me and wherever I go is always overheated and becoming a RESCUE ZONE BY THE HOLY GHOST for my instant and constant blessings, healing, freedom and salvation etc IN JESUS’ NAME...   

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