Friday 2 October 2015


I have heard of love, love, love almost everywhere. The truth is; not to many professors of this word or terminology have got the slightest idea of what it truly means or represents.

Just like all scriptural words and instructions being misinterpreted and distorted; this sacred word LOVE is the most abused, highly misinterpreted and disregarded.

The greatest hypocrisy of the whole world is found in the misplaced practice of Love the greatest of all virtues! Many people in this confusion take their lustful, infatuated, emotional and sensual passions for love!    

Oh Lord God Almighty Father, grant to this generation the grace to discover, preach, and practice the TRUTH involved in Your greatest virtue LOVE which carries Your very nature in Jesus’ Name…

Friends and brethren, read 1Corinthians 13 over and over for 13days prayerfully; permit me to pray along with you; just believe, and by the grace of God; our search for this greatest virtue (LOVE) will materialized in Jesus’ Name…   

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