Saturday 10 October 2015


This lesson is learned or taken from the prayer lifestyle of Master Jesus. He would never engage into a mysterious assignment without spending many hours of prayer in the night. Check that out by yourself in the scriptures.

Having spent a few hours this night; actually, it had become a routine beyond the ordinary by His special grace; I am led to announce to my friends as they prepare for church today. Do not go to church as a denomination; be conscious of yourself as the sanctuary where God Almighty personally resides in His Spirit’s power.

Do not go to church only to end up repeating or the recitation of someone’s ancient prayers. Certainly, there is a deep yearning within you to cry out for God to help you in some pressing areas of your life in Jesus’ Name.

With love the greatest virtue which is God Almighty Himself prevailing in my life right now; I pronounce you free from unprofitable religious rituals and I pray that you have a profound Spiritual experience with God Almighty today in Jesus’ Name.   
In case you are also led by the Holy Spirit to visit the Boiling Point Gospel Centre today; it will surely be by divine arrangement for you to receive a special package, some miraculous touch for your health, family, marriage, studies, and other important aspects of your life in Jesus’ Name…

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