Thursday 6 August 2015


This terminology had stayed for a long time to church people. But even though it had been with us for decades, yet it had been misconstrued and lost its intended spiritual significance.

Different church sectors had provided doctrinal interpretations to suit the pursuits of their inherited norms. Others had pressed on to ensure its biblical concept maintained but without the indepth spiritual revelations applied.    

Being born again is a deep spiritual issue that can only be explained by the unction of the Holy Spirit. Any attempt to give its interpretation with human ability is known as trespass into God’s Kingdom.

It is only the Holy Spirit’s duty to give deeper intimation and guide within one’s spirit as He is given the preference in the believer’s heart in the process of faith result oriented intercession for the redemption of one’s soul!   

There is a very clear reality to the born again concept; being born of the Spirit can be said to be born of God. Note, God is Spirit (Jn 4:24). If not born of His Spirit, worship to Him can never be in Spirit and Truth.

And so, the born of God must replicate His true nature in all Christian devotion. But how are we born again? Preferably, the Christians who truly desire the truth in their lives should be committed to the process as provided for in the Bible.

For further study of the Bible: Jn 1:13; 3:1-12; Acts 1:1-8; 19:1-6. 1Cor 12; 14; 2Cor 5:17; Rom 8. Etc.

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