Tuesday 11 August 2015


While the secret of abundant living lies in giving; it is amazing to find some people who still find it hard to give. One wonders whether they had chosen to remain in a perpetual state of lack and poverty or they have simply refused to allow God make them a blessing to others!

According to divine arrangement, no one should lack what to give. The widow in Mark 12:43,44 gave out of abject poverty and her offering was commended than all the others!

Many had failed to comply with simple scriptural injunctions and yet expect to be wealthy. Some are a sort of compelling God; they intimidate others with their powerful prayers so that they must be favored.

If people failed to give; it becomes unfavorable to them because those who should give them are restrained by God to do so. They end up disappointed and frustrated in life!  

Giving is putting in your best to win! We must encourage people to give; everybody is potentially rich when giving is considered as a lifestyle; starting from the very insignificant to a state of magnitude. The results of giving grow; the more it is practiced the more the increase.

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