Friday 21 August 2015


There is no argument about the Christians’ claims of being followers of Jesus Christ; for this is the actual reason for the term Christian!

We must not only claim Christianity! But we must also portray its values and reality. The reality of our faith in God should manifest the works of Christ and even His greater works. (Jn 14:12).

Let us approach the issue in practice. If Christ Jesus was a Physician; would He had applied medical science to heal the sick?

If He was an Advocate; would He had applied the constitution of your nation to settle cases?

If He was an Accountant; would He apply the accounting system rules of the world to meet our financial needs? 

What about other professions and careers; would Christ Jesus applied the world’s methods to handle His work in those fields? 

Oh Lord God Almighty, grant us great favor to practice Christianity just like Christ Jesus in His Mighty Name…     

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