Saturday 1 August 2015


An Idle mind is the devil's playground

1. not working or active; unemployed; doing nothing.
2. not filled with activity: idle hours.
3. not in use or operation: idle machinery.
4. habitually doing nothing or avoiding work; lazy.
5. of no real worth, importance, or purpose: idle talk.
6. having no basis or reason; baseless; groundless: idle fears.

7. frivolous; vain: idle pleasures.
8. meaningless; senseless: idle threats.
9. to pass time doing nothing.
10. to move or loiter aimlessly.
11. (of a machine, engine, or mechanism) to operate at a low speed, disengaged from the load.
12. to pass (time) doing nothing (often fol. by away): to idle away the afternoon.

13. to cause to be idle: The strike idled many workers.
14. to cause (a machine, engine, or mechanism) to idle.
15. the state or quality of being idle.
16. the state of a machine, engine, or mechanism that is idling: an engine at idle.
 (@the free

“Studies show that people would rather do something—anything—than be alone with their thoughts. The idea that doing something trumps doing nothing is no new phenomenon. But it's through reflection, daydreaming, and introspection that we make sense of information and experiences and come up with new insight and ideas.” (
Well, human ideologies are numerous, but the mind influenced by the word of God is free from unnecessary wander!

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