Wednesday 26 August 2015


What is the motive of your hustles? Why must you struggle every day? Is it food, clothes, shelter and other necessities of life you are looking for?

Search your heart diligently; let it not be you are looking at other people; and that had informed your motive of becoming like them.

Get rid of the way it is done in the world. Allow God Almighty to direct your thoughts and imaginations so that you can function independent of peoples’ influences.

It does not cost the struggles to get all you are running after. The birds of the air; the flowers in the fields; the fish in the oceans and many of God’s creation do not struggle that much; but they are all under the caring concern of God Almighty!

Certainly, we are of greater value than them all. Spare yourself a little strength in the presence of Jehovah praying for wisdom and knowledge from on high. As you persist; you must produce the expected testimony that will prove that He is forever faithful! (Mt 6:25-34)

Thank You Jesus!   

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