Monday 10 August 2015



Considering the deteriorating scenario surrounding the spiritual development of the churches, one is left with no alternative but to opt for a ‘New Church Order’ (an Unusual Revival) that can only stand against the influence of the New World Order over her.   

Someone may query; who can change what had been in existence for decades? All who live and walk under the influence of God’s Spirit can never be intimidated by antiquity records.

The suggestive new church order may include:  
 1.   All pastors who are on salary should relinquish their earnings until they are able to do the exact works of Christ and His greater works. Jn 14:12

2.  All churches that only pay lips service to the Holy Spirit but deny His operative activities for the transformation of people should close and return to the drawing board for evaluation (1Tim 6:5; 2Tim 3:5; Tit 1:16)

3.   All ministries or churches that had turned the house of the Lord into a business venture than the house of prayer for the nations (winning the world for God’s kingdom) should allow the Lord Jesus to overthrow their market tables… (Isa 56:7; Jer 7:11; Lk 19:46). To be cont’d…    

If you endorse the proposal above contact us on; or comment on

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