Tuesday 25 August 2015


We got this email from a Youth Corper, name withheld,  serving in Gusau, Zamfara State:
“Ruth Oyewobi is her name. She is 13years old 3rd born of the Christian family of 5, residing in Gusau, Zamfara Nigeria. Her mum is a widowed trader. Ruth started attending school at age 7 in Sokoto, since there was no deaf school in Zamfara, later continued secondary school there in a special school for the deaf, where she has now completed JSS 2. The reasons for the transfer are as follows:
1. She does not know anything about God, though she has been going to church.
2. She does not have interest in church again because she doesn't understand what goes on there.
3. She wanted to become a Muslim as a result of the influence from school since she is the only Christian there.
4. She doesn't have anybody to express herself to since no one can sign at home.
She needs a place where her faith can built since Christians here don't understand sign language.  Thank you sir.”

We have gone ahead to register Ruth at The School of the Deaf, Plateau State. The admission had been granted. By God’s grace she will join us in Jos before the school resumption on September 14th 2015 as a beneficiary of the ministry’s scholarship scheme.

Pray along for the Lord God Almighty to perform a miracle in her life and many out there in need of similar assistance. 

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