Sunday 1 March 2015


Whenever God’s people desire to be ruled by their fellow humans; it is a clear indication of backsliding. Another way of describing a backsliding condition is when people in God’s honored positions decide to run after the methods of the world for a lifestyle.

This backsliding state was displayed at some point in the history of Israel; they could not look up to God for direction when Samuel got old and his children were not able to take over from him. So they demanded for a king according to 1Samuel 8:5;   "Look, you are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now make us a king to judge us like all the nations."    

If they trusted in the Lord, regardless of the misbehavior of Samuel’s sons, they would have demanded for a leader fro m God and never after the manner; “…like all the nations.”   
In spite of the scriptural testimonies for the church to emulate; yet, this is the exact leadership defect the church had been troubled with for decades.

However, in God’s programs, His time to fulfill His Word is always the best. We are back to the seasons of heavenly encounters; God is Himself turning His people to the gospel of the Kingdom which must be preached as a witness to the nations, then the end of the world will come (Matthew 24:14).

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