Wednesday 4 March 2015


Every human development is monitored by a demon. Demons are responsible for everything contrary to God’s good and original plans for humanity.

Many had sought to succeed in life but ignorant of the interferences of demonic operations; and once not mindful of the devil’s strategies against your life; you stand a victim of setback, limitations and disappointments etc; and especially the loss of your eternal hope!

A lot of innovations had been advanced for the improvement on human struggles; but because many are not aware of Satan’s wickedness against their destinies, these methods of blessings had turned to pains and bitter experiences.

One of the most attractive agencies Satan uses for stealing, killing and destruction is the modern technology. Many have never tried to believe God because they think there is never a necessity for it; technology seems to be their answer for faith and God.   

And since they have been glued to science and technology; God had become absolutely irrelevant to all situations of their lives. The computer age for instance had brought ease to communication; relating with one another had been abused rather than a blessing.

I will keep on praying for the salvation of souls until reduced to the minimum the rigor of faith destruction poised by civilization and technology.

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