Monday 30 March 2015


A thought by the Holy Ghost inspired my heart; pondering over an overview of the female behavior; wondering whether the term ‘the weaker vessels’ truly suits them.

From Genesis to Revelation in the Bible; you will find an occasion to blame a woman for an offence that caused some serious problem to the world. Care to find out? The first woman was the cause of sin or rebellion against God (Gen 3); Sarah brought about the Ishmaelites (Gen 16); Job’s wife wanted him to curse God (Job 2:9,10), just to mention a few.

In our time, we have known of how great and prospective achievers had been brought low by women’s seductive behaviors. Women are the most outstanding tools for prostitution, pornography, robbery, fraudulent business transactions etc.

Many in the world had concluded that women are the cause of the many woes facing humanity for decades; but there are also very good and God fearing women in the history of the world. In God’s sight and in His eternal plan and purpose for our lives, we are all great and important.

If you are of the view that women are the weaker vessels; and this had been responsible for their misbehavior of wanting to walk half naked in a broad day light on our streets and engaging in other immoral sexual habits; and you think you can be of help to them; kindly comment on this blog or send your views to our email address: or Facebook and Google+

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