Sunday 1 March 2015


Let us pick a few instances in the Bible where God proved Himself as King of kings amidst worlds’ kingdoms.

In the book of Daniel, there are profound evidences that God’s people can always remain relevant at all points regardless of what the world is doing devoid of divine consultations.

God planned to prove Himself by allowing a heathen king to take His people into captivity in Babylon (1:1,2). In the foreign land, Daniel and his three youthful friends distinguished themselves before both his Jewish counterparts in captivity and the Babylonians alike.

When they were tempted to join the system of Babylon just as we all had been tempted and yielded to play the harlotry with our present day societies; these Jewish youth stood their ground to represent the Living God they had known. (Read the entire chapter One of Daniel).

At the end of the day, the heathen king Nebuchadnezzar having acknowledged the power in the God of Daniel far above what his magicians, the astrologers, the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans (likened to our present day science etc) could not offer. He was forced to do obeisance and offered worship to God!

The church must strive hard by faith to resume God’s place on earth as in heaven; we must allow God to fulfill His eternal and original plan for us to exercise dominion over His creation; to rule alongside with Him over the nations of the world; because we are meant to be His witnesses from our immediate communities to the uttermost parts of the world. (Acts 1:8).

King Nebuchadnezzar had no option but to submit to Daniel and his friends; he had to allow them represent God Almighty even in captivity (2:45-49); this example can be obtainable in our time if only we can strictly return to God without seeking for worldly alternatives.    

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