Friday 27 March 2015


 while in Niamey:
David, Brother Adams, Ruth, Marei
Apostle Stephen Nyam
Brother Adams with 2 Buzaye friends

Republic of Niger (II)
Our journey to Niger Republic was another eye opener to an overall missionary outreach away from home. And this was to enlighten us more on future preparations to the land and other nations of the world. We do not doubt God’s plan to use us to get to millions who are lost all over the world.  

The Lord led us to meet three main missionary organizations on active service in the land. We prefer to withhold their identity for now. It was as a result of a prayerful commitment that arranged for our successful contact and fruitful interaction with them. We truly owe so much thanks to God who had ordered our steps thus far.

We must give thanks to God for the brethren who welcomed and hosted us for many days at Niamey. The families of Mr and Mrs Rabe Ibrahim and friends took very wonderful care of us in terms of feeding, accommodation and transportation.

As mentioned earlier, we are getting prepared prayerfully to return to Niger with an Intercessory missionary plan which will be accompanied by other ministry strategies for soul winning; this will include ministry to the destitute, prostitutes (mostly Nigerians), drug addicts and the alcoholics etc. 

We believe that a high degree of intercessions must drive the church in the land into a reawakening.

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