Monday 30 March 2015


A group photo with some Nigerian citizens at Niamey
@ Boiling Point Gospel Centre, Jos, Nigeria.
Kindly join us in prayer as we get ready for another busy year 2015; we are trusting God to use us help edify His Church by:

Starting a Practical Gospel of the Kingdom Discipleship Training – (The New Orientation) intended to raise individual Christians to personally take up the cross and follow Jesus; embarking on an exact Christ’s Ministry; Advancement of God’s Kingdom.  (from the Ministry’s periodic bulletin No 13 – Jan – June 2015).

This Training started with an intercessory program on 10th January to 12th March 30, 2015. There was a two-week break which enabled the ministry took a 2nd missionary survey trip to the Republic of Niger from 17th to 25th March 2015.

The Training had resumed on 30th March it will run till 8th May 2015. Many young people, some of them delivered from different sinful attitudes are the disciples on training.

You may wish to recommend it others and or send people from your end to join in this revival hopeful event; you can join us at any given point in time and by His grace you can still fit into God’s plan of practical enforcement of His Kingdom on earth.

After this session there will be a repeat missionary visit to the Republic of Niger with some specific plans for intercessory work for the church and the land; there will be other associated spiritual activities to be carried out during this visit; details will come your way as soon as we return to Niamey the capital city and other regions of the nation in May.   

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