Saturday 14 March 2015


1.  EGYPT:
To God be the glory that our working mission associate Apostle Stephen Nyam had just returned from Egypt for about six years’ missionary work. With much undisputable testimonies of God’s grace was able to plant two churches with the population of about 600 new converts which were handed over to two existing churches there.

He is preparing to proceed to South Africa for a new mission assignment. Please support Stephen by prayer and whatever the Lord can do through you. Right now, God is using him to raise and prepare intercessors of the kingdom workers at Boiling Point Gospel Centre, Jos, Nigeria.

You may also wish to sponsor serious minded potential missionary oriented workers from your end or elsewhere. There is no doubt, we are confident to say, God’s move had started here!  

In the next few days we will be invading the Republic of Niger with the intercessory ministry which was applied in Egypt that brought about the amazing results of conversions among the moslems.

The church in Niger is confronted by the stigma of denominational divisions and indifference of all sorts; a major concern that need support and encouragement.

From Niamey the capital city we will proceed to the Region of Maradi; this faith project is taking almost two weeks; it also includes some spiritual strategic study of general mission work in the land.

Your prayers and supports will be highly cherished. We have always trusted God for many projects similar to this and He had always responded with the expected testimonies. We are hoping to meet with other mission groups for further collaborative initiatives in that land of crucial evangelistic demands!         

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