Saturday 28 November 2015


Having taken some days waiting on the Lord; His faithfulness turned explicit within me; and an increasing fresh yearning to seek Him more got a hold of me. I pray, we agree here in Jesus’ Name...

I bear a desire to seek the Lord greater than that of Zacchaeus who had to climb a tree to see Him. I can clearly realize certain limitations taking the equivalence of his short stature became the reason for the promptings to love Him than ever. Let this remain our portion together in Jesus’ Name...

The kind of urging to seek Him that filled the life of the woman with the issue of blood for twelve painful years greatly surged my inner being. I know if only I can get that close to Him, some many issues of ailments, fears, disappointments, and discouragements must certainly depart from my life and yours too in Jesus’ Name...
More than the time Mary took to be at His feet; I can take the whole night (though sleeping) listening to my audio Bible, listening to Him too. May your life find avenue to His word day and night in Jesus’ Name...  

Much more than the unstoppable shouts of blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, to attract His attention for a miracle; I received a new driving force to call upon Him; calling on the Name JESUS had turned into a new song to me; let it be yours too in His mighty Name...

As I keep calling on the Name JESUS with this kind of zeal, fervor or fanaticism, a high momentum of expectation to see the manifestations of the fulfillment of His promises in His word is offering and bestowing upon you and me in Jesus’ Name...

Some of my friends are engaged into similar dreams, expectations and yearnings. May we all be entangled into the present day move of God to seek Him than ever before for the transformation of the present day needy generation in Jesus’ Name...        

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