Monday 2 November 2015



Here is a Holy Ghost Liberal Extravaganza this month to all my friends; my enemies are permitted to key into it as well. It is a strange and peculiar confession to be made throughout November.

“Don’t make the mistake to allow the devil use you with the foolish intention to harm me and anyone that identifies with me; be it well known to all and sundry that my connection with HEAVEN can never be broken.”  Let all friends confess this by faith today in Jesus’ Name...

“Because I am constantly and graciously connected with God; my life is therefore increasing in His nature, image, likeness and the Spirit’s POWER. Demons are hereby warned to keep their distance or face the constant leash out of FIRE in Jesus’ Name...”   

“If you think I am joking; try it! Many have tried it and failed; some are even no more. Before you even start, find out; do a little research about me and you will know that I am moving to the next higher level of attainments over and against the kingdom of darkness. So do not dare me in Jesus’ Name...”

 “I am now an aggressive demons’ tormentor; I command all demons advancing against me and every one that concerns me to be tormented in Jesus’ Name....     

“I am programming a tormenting schedule for all stubborn spirits of stealing, killing and destruction. No demon inflicting sickness, disease, hardship, discomfort, lack and poverty and all forms of problems shall be spared under this scheme. You demons of all categories, BE TORMENTED SEVERELY IN JESUS’ NAME.... “

Let the faith of my friends never fail this month November; until all our Heavenly Father’s commands through our these confessions be fully carried out by definite consequences in Jesus’ Name...

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