Sunday 1 November 2015


Amazingly, I did not go to church today! This is the story of thousands of ‘christians’ today. Church had turned into a traditional shrine or sanctuary to millions. Up till today many think faithful church attendance will take them to heaven.

Many had refused to attend church because they honestly lost confidence in its integrity and the role it is expected to play in their lives. Many do not even understand what the church represents today. Is it God and heaven or the world and darkness?  

I did not go to church today; I am trusting the Lord to enable me build up the spiritual capacity of personal worship within the heavenly sanctuary in my heart on a daily basis. If this is never attained, no church attendance can be fruitful and glorying to God!

Many who went to church today ended up ushering others, checking bags at the church entrances, others stood as body guards to the ‘man of God’ throughout the service, some interpreted the messages of ministers, others only collected the offerings etc. Let God Himself be the final judge of our worship in Jesus’ Name...

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