Saturday 21 November 2015


As the followers of Jesus Christ; we are to remain His subjects in full obedience and loyalty. We should actually follow His principles and apply His Kingdom instructions to reign with Him without the world’s influences in Jesus’ Name...

Our friendship with the world is enmity with God. “Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” Romans 8:7

Worldliness is the consistent use of one’s life to gratify pleasures to the flesh; this is carnality. So one’s life can be used in business, politics, entertainment, education, science/technology, fashion, foods and drinks etc not to please God but to impress the world.

When one lives his life outside of God, it is a choice of heading to doom. It is therefore time for us to restore our relationship with God to reign with Christ by the help and direction of the Holy Spirit in every area of our lives; this is the new orientation of a new world called heaven on earth in Jesus Name...    

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