Tuesday 24 November 2015


If you must make a unique difference in your time; be prepared to face some sort of persecution; you will be misunderstood, misinterpreted and every effort you put into your ministry shall be distorted and misrepresented. Keep it up regardless of these hindrances as long as you had got a vision from above in Jesus’ Name...

But if you will do it like others are doing it; it will appear smooth and without attacks. Everything you do and people never question it, you know something is not right about it. Let your newly discovered focus land you into the circles of hard times and troubles and then God and not men will assist you to do more in Jesus’ Name...

When the Lord spoke to me about the “Faith Comes by Hearing;” truly if I did not hear God clearly, I would have dropped the idea long ago. I kept it up until our enemies are beginning to give up in Jesus’ Name...

I was confronted by men's ideas and proposals as to how I must go about it. Some condemned or criticize the method of this kind of preaching; only playing the audio Bible without saying a word?

God confirmed His call upon my life by giving me so many witnesses and different blessings that accompanied the diligence He imputed in me.

Many people can become interested to do what you have been doing; some will not last long in the process because they did not receive it from God; while others will be doing well in it and some will partner with you to God’s glory in Jesus’ Name...

The more you insist on God’s specific call in your life; the result will clearly be made public and serious impact must be made to the glory God in Jesus’ Name...

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