Tuesday 10 November 2015


The mercy of God impressed these precious prayer words into my spirit and I confess it every day; every believer who acknowledges God’s call in their lives can join in this prayer; “More power by the Holy Ghost Fire, Oh Lord God, for the salvation of souls in millions worldwide in Jesus’ Name...”

“More power by the Holy Ghost Fire, Lord, for the healing of the broken hearts; for casting out demons; for raising the dead; for blessing the poor etc; but all for the salvation of souls in Jesus’ Name...

“More power by the Holy Ghost Fire for true worship, service, honor and adoration to God and for increased intimate relationship with Him; all for the salvation of souls in Jesus’ Name...”  

“More power by the Holy Ghost Fire, Oh Lord, for holy, sanctified, and righteous living; for love the greatest to prevail over my life and ministry for the salvation of souls in Jesus’ Name...”

“More of You and less of me; more of heaven and less of the world; more of Your Spirit and less of the flesh in my life for the salvation of millions world over in Jesus’ Name...”

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