Wednesday 25 November 2015

An end of the year major prayer retreat is taking place at the Boiling Point Gospel Centre, Uphill Opp Jevicho Filling Station, Bauchi Rg Rd, Jos Nigeria -  starting on 3 to 5/12/15. Opening session at 4pm.

We are calling on our usual participants to prepare for this rare event; we will experience God’s distinct encounter that will transform our lives and ministries in Jesus’ Name...

Accommodation and feeding will be provided for free.
Ministries and groups from other States should come with 3 people whom we will assist with their transport fare.

Students, widows and our Jos participants may wish to be coming from their homes except in exceptional cases due to accommodation scarcity please.
Our participants should come with warm clothes because Jos gets much colder in December.

We will be fasting in the program and break the fast together at 6pm daily.
Head of ministries should prepare to lead the prayer sessions. You are welcome and God bless you!

Brother Adams Arin Matthew (Overseer) 

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