Monday 9 November 2015


There had never been soul winning opportunities in the Christian history as in these last days. It appears as if people are more rebellious now than ever; but it is rather a clear indication of hunger and thirst for righteousness.

This was what our Lord noticed and said, “...The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.” Lk 10:2

The Lord mercifully laid this prayer point into my spirit; “Oh Lord God Almighty, continue to upgrade the fervency of my Spiritual growth and commitment; and make me an instrument for the supernatural training of labourers for the end time harvest in Jesus’ Name...”

Enough of gathering as congregations; let the Lord turn every professing Christian an individual disciple or minister of the gospel from every church or ministry in Jesus Name...

Let all who run after ministries and men of God recognize their ministries and let them become men and women of God also in Jesus’ Name...

Truly, if every Christian will surrender and submit to God; all will be prepared to pay the price of discipleship; we will certainly become the products of the very kind of Christ’s ministry in our various locations in Jesus’ Name...

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