Wednesday 14 January 2015


Civilization had been with us for decades. One would consider its appearance as a blessing. The great pioneers, discoverers and inventors of various aspects of human, civic and general societal developments must be given a pat on the back.

It is obvious that the whole world must have tasted the favorable sweet side of this man-made sophistication.
However, for those of us whose analysis of these world’s events are viewed beyond the natural spectacles will accept the reality that the whole scenario came with its far reaching and devastating negative consequences!  

And a major negative problem that came along with or accompanied the artificial refinement of the world is man’s total and renewed depravity; a further departure from God the Creator of Heaven and Earth.

The devil now took an undue advantage of good and turned it for his wicked manipulation of the human mind; making people believe they can function in every area of life without God. By this craft of satan, even the church was subdued and caged into believing that head knowledge should be applied in God’s service. 

Again, many had been taken captives into disregarding the power of God by His Spirit to save, heal, deliver and bless them; so they confide on ordinary life capabilities to cater for all their needs.  

The New Orientation program is here to help Christians to be restored to God’s original intention for world’s management according to Genesis 1:26-31; a process which was totally perfected through the finished work of Christ on the cross at Golgotha.    

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