Friday 2 January 2015

The Purpose of Life

An Introduction to the Booklet The Purpose of Life by Brother Matthew Arin Adams... Abstracts will be brought to you occasionally....

We have often times abandoned our God’s intended position in life by submitting to influences and orientations of the men and the world. Contrary to divine provisions; what we could have gained from the Holy Spirit’s direction and encounter, the enemy’s bait had hooked many into regrets and subsequent eternal damnation!  In other words, we can be ruled by ordinary fellow men; people of our own very likeness; our ordinary kinsmen; school mates; work or business colleagues; religious doctrines; teachers and a host of man- made orientations.   

Many because of lack of same direction and or guidance had become victims of circumstances; living this life only subject to what their immediate environment had suggested to and provided for them. Certainly, this is the cause of the deplorable negative affects over one’s entire existence and journey into divine destiny; the kind of life God had intended or purposed for us.  

 For many of us, if there was another opportunity, we would like to start this life all over again. But alas, this cannot happen! The only hope is for all of us to begin an outright rejection of human and or circumstantial influences over our lives and quickly begin to absolutely rely on God by His Spirit, Word and in Christ Jesus about everything that has to do with us! 

Please read Apostle Paul’s conversion testimony in (Gal 1:10-17) and be encouraged to start afresh or continue in the same vein from the level you have reached by His grace, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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