Friday 2 January 2015



The Grace of God is a wonder working phenomenon in my life only for His Glory and Honor; behold the amazing insight into life’s issues; by the Holy Spirit’s hints, I am able to declare a lot far beyond human ability. 

By this great Grace, I cannot afford to remain silent concerning serious issues in line with the welfare of people that associate or identify with me and the ministry. I am also thankful to God because this Grace is spread all over the world today!

What we consider as our inherited customs and traditions do not even have origin connected to us; the credibility and values attached to them had lost their traces. A lot of what many ethnic groups practice today as customs and traditions were borrowed and in some cases stolen from very long historical settings. 

Many today are only proud of alien cultures and we are only pretending to love what we do; our hearts are very far from all because the very insignificant portion or even none is never connected to us.

So also in the area of learning faculties, we are only photocopies of some brains. Getting busy with other peoples’ achievements and or successes had limited us from getting deeper into the wells of God’s wealth of knowledge. 

We can no longer think along side with our Creator; someone’s Mathematics, History, Geography, Psychology, Engineering, Zoology, Medicine, Education, Science etc had taken over your head and the brain’s  function is under-utilized; you can no longer learn beyond what the so-called learned by their own limitations had pumped into your life.

These lifestyles of abject limitations had overshadowed every area of the society. Almost everything about life had lost its origin. The original pattern of governance is lost and so ordinary mortals can    oppress their fellow kinsmen without feeling bad! 

Family and community values are abused and the younger generation does not have regard for the elderly; the respect offered to one another is only shear hypocrisy!

God is helping us to be reconciled to Him so that we can rediscover our origin; root, lot, source and overall inheritance from our Heavenly Father; God is our Maker in Jesus Name...


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