Monday 5 January 2015


There is a general economic depression facing the whole world today. I was told that the value of the Nigerian currency will drop; and the nation’s major economic strength derived from the crude oil is likely dropping from +100% to -70%.

 I am not an authority in world’s economic analysis;  but I definitely have a clear idea of where the world is heading to with all its boastful assertions; claiming to free the masses from impending traumatic future.

This is not a doom prophetic utterance; it is just true, the world’s wisdom is foolishness to God Almighty!  

“However, we speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing.” 1Cor 2:6 NKJV

Another decade is in the making; times and seasons of great distress that will draw the simple hearted or those who will humble themselves closer to God. 

It is only those who will trust in God’s power to supply or provide for their daily needs that will be comforted and be content with life!

We shall be among many who will adhere to the teachings of our Lord Jesus concerning the seeming foolish approach to economic transformation of individuals and co-operate enterprises! Lk 12:21-34. 

Lose sight of the world’s strategies of money making and believe God for His channels of provisions.

Peter once was asked whether Jesus paid the temple tribute; and Jesus Himself knowing the crafty intention of His opposition party told Peter to get money from a fish’s mouth in the river. 

They paid the tribute never in allegiance to an authority, but to proof that if His believers needed anything, the answer comes miraculously. The Christians have a source; God Himself is the Source if we can believe!   

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