Saturday 10 January 2015

Tongue Renewal - Another World

When God’s people resort to their heavenly language, you can be rest assured of heavenly results manifesting on the planet earth. For the will of God to be done on earth as it is in Heaven, the language of the Spirit’s new creation must be put into real practice.

We are not talking about ‘church as usual’ lip service to the Bible. It is the dispensation of the reality of born again species whose faith-released utterance is accompanied with substantial and non-disputable evidences. 

It is God’s upbringing of a generation of the genuine kingdom principles whose lifestyle will cause the counterfeit power to take its place at the footstool. 

Our tongues’ expression had found conformity with the divine. Our imitation of the Master of the universe by our new found faith declaration is giving the earth a new face. 

We are confident in our Biblical faith conversation such that righteousness is defeating evil; the darkness of the world can no longer comprehend our shining light; holiness and not morality is getting over filth and all sinfulness.

All believers are hereby charged by the mercy of God to Biblical confession than religious or denominational creeds and bylaws. We must all join our faith to speak the voice of God in His word than rehearsing the speech of mere men. 

We must be very careful not to confuse the word of God with the manipulations of crafty men in commentaries and theological interpretations! 

Listen and quote the very words of Jesus on a daily basis and allow your entire existence to be saturated with Him; He is the Word Himself. He should never be mistaken for the ‘great men or women of God,’ never!

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