Thursday 15 January 2015

Chronological Adventure

Time management is a disciplinary adventure. It is only those who are focused and are bent on achieving a purposeful destiny that voyage through it with peculiar consistency. They are not carried away by every wind of doctrine; listening to the so-called interesting noisy chaff or unsubstantial kind of music, stories, testimonies and the like.

Time managers of integrity always have a story to tell, but that which is only associated with the Giver of the supernatural wisdom. God is always their reference point in all affairs. They only spend quality time with the Maker of the brain, mind and all human faculties. Such a one knows no self and such carnal motivations.

Carefully take a critical research of time application to your life and be the product of a purposeful destiny! Respond to the following comments with an open approach and allow God to assist your disciplinary usage of the little time you have here on earth:

How much time do you spend on reading books? 
How long do you stay with acquaintances and friends?
What are you interested in most, how long are you enclosed to it?
What are the purposes of your travels and movement around?
On what do you spend much money; your appetites; passions?

Do you care to explore much on your spiritual existence and development; can you patiently put in some time on a daily basis to figure this out? “I waited patiently for the LORD; And He inclined to me, And heard my cry.” (Ps. 40:1)

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