Saturday 31 January 2015

Revival in Nations

God will never continue to appear to be helpless in the midst of human misbehavior and rebellion. Jesus Had accomplished the redemption work that had totally crushed the power of sin, Satan and death. And since He had announced this victory on the cross; Christians are now to walk in the paths which this finished work had wrought for us. 

What this implies is for us to practice faith in the power of the finished work by the power of the Holy Ghost and by strict observance of the word of God. Diligence to prayer and intercessory labors will bring revival to the nations of the world. 

We had experienced decades of terrible chastisements; Christians facing untold persecutions not only from the Islamic world,  but also from other heathen formations; all nations had tasted the calamities of several natural disasters; deadly and incurable diseases had overwhelmed the science arena. The list of these untold hardship are endless. 

The more we consider the severity of the shocking dilemma of life, we are obviously encouraged by the unfailing promises of God in the Bible knowing that heaven earth shall pass away, but the Word shall endure forever. With the strong consciousness of God's move by His Spirit amongst the faith people, the devil of stealing, killing and destruction are already put to shame; his wicked activities are being overcome by the everlasting, living and wonder working Word of TRUTH!


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