Sunday 18 January 2015

Partisan Leadership Tussles

Once it is partisan, it is carnal (1Cor 3:3,4). And all over the world, partisan politics is the order of the day.  Obviously carnality is in total control and gives birth to strive and divisions.

The church is adjured to be united as the proof of being God’s children (Mt 5:45) and His kings and priests (Rev 1:5,6).

It is impossible for a people to be engaged in partisan politics and be fully and godly united. I am a living witness of a disintegrated congregation as a result of divergent political views. 

By the way, why and when did politics encroach into the church? Of course, you cannot stop the world from behaving under the influences of science ideologies (politics)!   

The cankerworm of partisan political tussles had brooded increased hypocritical behaviors among God’s people. We only pretend to love God and one another; while our actions behave contrary to what we say. 

This is because spiritually we lack the binding force of the Holy Spirit. We only respond to ungodly opinions when our commitment to godliness had been derailed; our focus on Christ Jesus as the God's Kingdom provider is wrecked!

If the church’s attention was fully directed on God’s Rule, the Bible would have remained our binding constitution; and we would have all been loyal to His kingdom principles.

Therefore, it would have been unnecessary to engage in another form or system of government. The fight about who will rule and who will not; who is worthy and who is not fit will never arise.

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