Monday 19 January 2015

Let My People Go

I was just preparing to go to bed tonight when I heard a message for my fellow ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ!

“My People had been caged for so long; not by the heathen gods, but by My own shepherds. My people had long been over due for a release into personal and individual missions I had saved them to do. But My shepherds would not let them.”  Says the Lord!

I would like to encourage my fellow workers in our Master’s vineyard to be courageous enough to teach God’s people in their congregations to discover their God’s individual given ministries.

Congregants can practice their personal Kingdom citizenship administration on earth; this will enable them go before God handful of soul winning accounts on the last day.

We have pressed on people to personally discover God’s purpose for life (get my booklet on “The Purpose of Life”); and the message had not gone down smoothly to the taste of those who want to cage congregants for selfish reasons. 

Please LET MY PEOPLE GO… Says the Lord!

It is obvious that many people are now used and comfortable to a religious orientation that only pastors and or some specific people that are called into the ministry; for them, it is just Sunday to Sunday Christianity they know. 

That is never God’s reason why He saved us. We are saved to be Christ’s savior associates. So get out of that cage and serve God!

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