Friday 23 January 2015

Kingdom Innaugruation


The New Orientation program intends to build a community of faith which solely relies on Biblical injunctions without interpretation interruptions and substitutes.

Many a times we are questioned as to how God’s Kingdom should be administered, operational and adhered to here on earth; the Bible is a standard for Christian living and hence the guiding and governing constitution.

And because we had lacked deliberate and focused commitment to God’s Kingdom principles, we had been arrested and kept captives under satan’s kingdom manipulations. 

The causes of life pains, toils and calamities resulting to very serious discontentment are obvious consequences of mankind’s detachment from God and His Kingdom principles!

It is never too late for the church to disconnect from the world’s scientific ideological chains. Individual Christians bestowed with the Holy Ghost transforming faculties should boldly step out to produce based on scriptures the kingdom governing structure and to ensure that this is strictly observed! (Matthew 16:19).

We shall not continue to linger in a faulty arrangement; complaining and murmuring as if our King is incapacitated in His eternal plan to rule His own creation. 

So we must allow Him to engage us into delegating, ambassadorial and administrative offices that are absolutely free from ungodly structures of world governments.

Follow us on this blog; it is time, God’s best time to inaugurate and promulgate the reality kingdom ministry on earth. (Matthew 24:14) 

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